Piggyback from Mack's FB Post & Lee's Comment

(deactivated member)
on 9/24/09 11:28 am

Well my God doesn't expect to fear...he only expects me to love unconditionally...chalk it up to folks can't walk the same walk to get to destination...we all have different journeys....I just feel you christians make it harder for yourselves, involve all this extra shiot because you read it in "the word"....it hurts me to see you all complicate things....Jesus was such a simplistic soul....and he didn't read "the word"

on 9/24/09 12:00 pm - bartlesville, OK
Yes Ro Ro He did read the word. As a jewish male in that culture he would have been expected to be very well versed in scripture. There are instances in scripture where it is recorded that he read and then taught.The Gospel of John also proclaims He was the WORD that became flesh among us. Kinda like a visual aide to help us find the Way.Jesus also said He was the only way to the Father, which is the final destination. That no one could get to the Father except through him( Jesus). I do not try to complicate any part of this walk. I am not that brilliant. That is why I try to read and apply what I read as best i can. If its not in the Word then yes it is extra and certainly not needed. But this is not like a chinese menu. You can't pick and choose just to suit your flesh. I can't  ignore a commandment just because it is inconvenient or doesn't allow me to follow my human carnal nature. The issue of Jesus is whether or not He is LORD. There is only room on the throne for one. I am not prepared to take that seat.
Peace Mz jojo



(deactivated member)
on 9/24/09 12:38 pm

since he was the only way does that mean Noah, adam, eve etc went to hell? I'm sayin' he wasn't their door

that is something I didn't think about until you wrote that.....and so Jesus was around to read the old testament..interesting, very interesting

so what testament did he stop reading at? I mean what chapter was written post the whole easter thing?

on 9/24/09 12:56 pm, edited 9/24/09 12:56 pm - bartlesville, OK
From Adam to the close of the old testament there was another standard to achieve eternity with God. That what a covenant (testament) is. It is an agreement very legal in nature. There is an old covenant (Testament) and then there is a New (covenant) Testament. Jesus is the revelation of the New Testament. His death and subsequent resurrection set it into motion. The old testament is full of prophecies about Jesus so the old testament saints knew of his promise. as a ,matter of fact Jesus was promised in the garden of Eden right after the fall of Adam. Thats why he had to be born of a virgin. He is the seed of a woman not a man. That was God's promise to Eve for the redemption of humankind after they messed up.
Jesus would have been required by jewish law to be learned in all the Law and the prophets. As a matter of fact there is a scripture recorded where Joseph and Mary were looking for him (Jesus). He was found in the temple discussing scripture with the priests of the day. He reminded his (earthly) parents that he had to be about his (heavenly)  fathers  business. That was his purpose. The father needed us returned to a state where we could enjoy eternity as well as have power to live here on earth. Remember there is another key player in all of this. satan is no joke or myth. He got kicked out of heaven and his sole purpose now is to prevent as many of us from reaching it. He knows the sorrow that it causes God when we reject his gift of life.
Psalms was a book Jesus frequently quoted from. The new testament was begun to be written after his death and resurrection by his disciples John, Mark, Matthew, James. The apostle Paul and Luke a convert also wrote some of the books.

Grace and Peace



(deactivated member)
on 9/24/09 1:04 pm

I'll read all that later...but I have to ask....does it not bother you that women aren't a major part in the bible? Just out of curiosity?

I'm sayin' we are the cause of labor pains...we are portrayed as *****s...even when ol' boy slept with his daughters it was their fault for gettin' him drunk...WTF??? and women only wrote I think 2 books Ruth and I forget the other...God couldn't talk to women?

Jesus followed Jewish law...lol...funny how they believe he was just a prophet and not the son of God....that is my line of thinking...we are all sons and daughters of God

I am getting sleepy now...get back with you later....but let me say that it bothers me that most christians seem to be more about the bible than they are about God

on 9/25/09 5:59 am, edited 9/25/09 6:00 am - bartlesville, OK
Hey Mz Ro Ro...Gr8 Question!!!! Actually woman play a major role in the Bible just like we do in human kind.The problem is how the Bible is taught and preached. That is why it appears to some that women have a diminished role. That is why two of my favorite scriptures speak to how we are responsible to obtain knowledge about our God in order to effectively teach and share it's glorious truths. The first is
2 Timothy 2:15 (new american standard version) the Apostle Paul says:

Be diligent ( at study) to present yourself approved to

God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed,

accurately handling the word of truth. Thats our part!

The other is Ephesians 4:11-15

 11And He (Jesus) gave some as apostles, and some as

prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors

and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work

of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;until

we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the

knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man/woman,

to the measure of the stature which belongs to the

fullness of Christ. As a result, we are  no longer to be

children, tossed here and there by waves and carried

about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men,

by craftiness in deceitful scheming;but speaking the truthAJ)">

in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is

the  head, even Christ,
This is why Church is important (to obtain knowledge). The reason the church is under such criticism (some of it is deserved) is that it does play a major role in the plan of God. Anything we humans get our hand on we tend to screw up.....even the church. But back to the woman issue. The old Testament is full of woman (good and evil) who were an important part of the plan. Eve, Sarah, Deborah (a leader), Hannah, Delilah,Rahab (a ***** who was da bomb!), Huldah,Rachel, Leah, Jael, Esther, Naomi, Bathsheba, and there are more. Also in the end of the old testament in the Book of the Prophet Zephaniah 3:10 there is a prophecy that many believe are directed at African American women for the end times.
10 From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia
      My worshipers,
      The daughter of My dispersed (descendants of slaves taken from Africa) ones,
      Shall bring My offering.

The real light is shone on women by there interaction with the LORD Jesus. There are many instances but i will focus on the two I like the most. Did you know the first person to preach the Gospel was a woman? Before Jesus even trusted the
LOL , ahem...I mean the disciples...he had an interesting conversation with a woman at a well. she was a woman with a rep..some have called a ho...but I am going to leave that alone. After her encounter with Jesus I can tell you whatever she WAS....she wasn't any more. And she boldly went and declared Jesus as the promised Messiah. That is the true essence of the Gospel message. she did it with such power that it is recorded that the people followed her to meet Jesus for themselves (that is what a successful pastor/preacher/evangelist) does, and then they believed for themselves. The other is after Jesus was crucified the boys LOL , ahem I mean the disciples scattered and hid. It was Mary Magdelene , again some say a woman with a rep, who was brave enough to go to the tomb and she encountered the Angel who announced Jesus' victory over death. She then went and did what we are supposed to do. She preached the fact of the resurrection of Jesus. Women have not authored any of the books of the Bible. Ruth according to tradition was written by the Prophet Samuel. However women are prominent through out. There are many conversations recorded between God and Angels with women. I am about the Bible because I have chosen to put my faith in its truth. I cannot pull God out of me. I am way too flawed to try to figure out the Divine without some help. I try to put God the Father, the LORD Jesus and the Holy Spirit at the forefront. The bible is a tool to enable me to do that.
Grace and Peace



So Blessed!
on 9/25/09 6:46 am
On September 24, 2009 at 8:04 PM Pacific Time, Ro Ro wrote:

I'll read all that later...but I have to ask....does it not bother you that women aren't a major part in the bible? Just out of curiosity?

I'm sayin' we are the cause of labor pains...we are portrayed as *****s...even when ol' boy slept with his daughters it was their fault for gettin' him drunk...WTF??? and women only wrote I think 2 books Ruth and I forget the other...God couldn't talk to women?

Jesus followed Jewish law...lol...funny how they believe he was just a prophet and not the son of God....that is my line of thinking...we are all sons and daughters of God

I am getting sleepy now...get back with you later....but let me say that it bothers me that most christians seem to be more about the bible than they are about God

Lot was a wuss.  The only reason he was saved from Sodom was because he was Abraham’s nephew and God loved Abraham.  If you’ll go back and read Genesis starting in Chapter 11, notice that God gave Abraham directions on where to go, but Lot always tagged along.  They eventually wound up competing for resources and had to part ways. God did not reveal to Abraham his inheritance until Lot was out of the picture.  Lot was trouble.  Abraham once even had to go to war and rescue his behind. Lot never cared about his daughters.  He offered them to a group of men in Sodom to bribe them from gang raping the male guests in his house.  And that story (that I’m sure HE came back and told) about his daughters getting him so drunk (twice) that he slept with them without being aware of it is a little hard to believe.    There’s another Old Testament story that illustrates the low regard that particular culture had for women during that time.  Judges Chapter 19 makes my flesh crawl. Seriously.
on 9/24/09 1:56 am - Mesa, AZ

You will know us by our fruit.  Meaning, you know it's an apple tree because it produces apples, but that doesn't mean every apple on the tree is perfect.  As we become mature Christians we have less and less imperfections, HOWEVER with that said, Christians are human and we do miss it, mess it up, say something stupid and hurt feelings.  It's going to come out on FB on OH on Twitter, myspace and everywhere else too.  The difference is that mature Christians admit it (confess) apologize for it (repent and make amends) and turn back to God and try to do it better the next time.  That's it.  No perfections here.  So it may look like one day, somebody is cussing and being a trouble maker an the next day is sister super Christian, but I assure you,  when we miss it God corrects us.  So we adjust the stupid behavior and try again.

Being a Christian is not an easy way of life but as we mature, we get to look more and more like Jesus and less and less like us.  That's a process and it's going to take (at least for me) a life time to get there.

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

on 9/24/09 2:10 am - bartlesville, OK
 Glamazon wrote
but I assure you,  when we miss it God corrects us.  So we adjust the stupid behavior and try again
Amen Sistah...ain't nothin like gettin whopped by GOD! We have to
co operate (repent...change direction) with the process or like the Children of isreal we are doomed to wander in the wilderness around in circles. I do not want to be struggling with the same issues year in and year out. It brings God no glory and it makes me miserable. That is the reason so many people are turned off to the faith. I have been blessed to come across people who have seen the love of Jesus and the cost of our salvation and taken it to heart.They took the time to counsel and pray with /for me. Some have gone home now and I miss their counsel and prayers. My fear is that my life will cause one stumble and I might miss an opportunity to encourage/help another.
Grace and peace



on 9/24/09 2:20 am
  and let the congregation say AMEN!!!

umm - pass the collection plate for the building fund......

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

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